Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our Talks in Church

So, my family talked in church yesterday. It went pretty well. Eme "ate the microphone" according to the boys, but she was able to be heard. Jake and Tom stood farther way, and no one could hear them. I guess it's better to eat the microphone - LOL! But they all did good. They were nervous, but did just fine. I was SO proud of them.

I talked for about 20 minutes, but didn't leave much time for Captain America. Poor guy. He'd prepared a nice talk, and only have 5 minutes. I don't get up and talk on the fly well. I have to have everything pre-written, or I just babble. So, it was either 20 minutes worth of talk, or none at all. Sorry, sweetheart! Next time, we'll coordinate better. And you can give your WONDERFUL talk :)

If you wanna read our talks, you can find them below :)

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