Here's a view from upstairs. See how there's a false wall between the living room and the dining room. Nice for running laps. They haven't figured it out yet, but it's only a matter of time - LMBO!

The upstairs hallway. See the bars on the opening. I guess the army doesn't want anyone jumping - hehehe. This is taken from Jim/Joe's room, looking towards Jake/Tom's room. Bathroom and closet and stairwell off to the left.

I think the fridge was the kids' favorite part. It has an ice machine and water. They were in HEAVEN!!!

Standing in the living room - laundry room/garage on the left, then the stairs, then the closet under the stairs, then the "too big for a closet too small for a room" thing.

View from the "too small for a....." place. Starting at the right, the window, the front door, Eme's room, the bathroom, a coat closet.

The living room, from the stair well. From the left, the dining room, the computer nook, the bathroom, Eme's room ,and the Front door.

Coming in from the garage/laundry room, you pass the stairwell, come to the closet under the stairs, the "too big...." door, then on to the kitchen/dining room. Off to the right is the living room.

My kids on Easter Bunny Morning (not to be confused with Easter morning- EB morning is on Saturday, Easter morning is on Sunday :)

Joe was SO funny. He didn't want the big chocolate bunny, so he gave it to Jacob. He didn't want the Winnie the Pooh toys, so he gave that to Joe. He ate one peep, and thought they were gross, so he gave it to Tom. He kept the M&M's and the gummy candies. I guess we all know why Joe is the skinny one :)

Love your new digs. I have been reading your word art blog for a while. It is usually the highlight of my am. Kind of sad, I know. LOL You are just so real. Love to read your stories. Oh, love your word art too.
Boy housing sure isn't what it used to be! Fantastic house!
I just love reading your posts . What a wonderful house . I am so happy for you . Thank you for the beautiful word art too . But I think I enjoy reading as much as I do the word art. Easter Blessings to you all.
Happy Easter! I love the WordArt for today. Happy unpacking when the movers arrive.
Pretty Pretty Pretty
I can see why you have been so excited about moving. LOL
Happy Easter!! Love the word art, and all your faith booking. Actually I love all your wordart! Your new house is awesome, hope you get to stay in it a good LONG time! :o)
I love reading about your family life. You really tell a good story, so down to earth. Love it
Thanks for all you do.
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