Has there really one been 7 days in March? Really? It seems like a lot longer than that. Crazy! Time sure does fly!

Wow, you can see the kids uvula!

This is called being resourceful! They were playing Marco Polo, and used Jimmy's jeans for a bandana. Nice :)

Here they are on voting day. Yes, I took all the kids to vote. They thought it was a lot of fun, but were a wee disappointed in mom for not voting for Ron Paul for dad. Sorry dad. Poor little Jimmy had just woken up, and was in no mood for picture time.

Yeah, not quite sure why he wanted a goofy picture of himself, but goofy it sure is!

Captain America broght the kids all back an Arizona souviner. It's a scorpion as a paper weight. The boys think they're the coolest thing ever (Tom uses his as a good luck charm for school...whatever), but Emeline wasn't quite sure. I agree with Eme. Kinda nasty. The pink glitter helped a bit :)
Is that what the hangy ball is called? epiglottis?
I'm with Eme, thats kinda gross..notice Eme and Jake have an identical arm in that last picture..emes is just smaller!
and her hair is really cute! Did she get it cut recently?
Ha! They do :) They really are pretty similar kids :)
Yeah, her hair got cut about a week or so ago. She wanted her pony tails out, after bed time, and I told her she'd have to wait till in the morning. She woke up before me, and decided to cut one of them out out. REally, it wasn't that bad. One little section was about 1 to 1 1/2 inches shorter than the rest. You probably wouldn't notice it, but I wanted to teach her a lesson, so haircut it was!
It's cute, and her hair is now all the same length! So cute. Can't wait till it gets just a little bit longer!
Ha! Not epiglottis, a uvula! We were learning about the epiglottis yesterday in Science with Tom. That's the flap of skin that closes off the wind pipe when you swallow. Otherwise, you'd get food and fluid in your lungs. Like when you choke, and it goes down the "wrong pipe"!
Oops. Uvula is right :)
Ya gotta love kids! And all that goes with them. . scissors and hangy downs!
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