OK, these pics are mostly for my mom. I know she thinks I'm a bad blogger, because I NEVER put pics on here :) Ok, so never is a strong work. I put a lot of stories, and words, but tend to leave out the photos. Well, I was taking them.... some. hehehe.
SO, here goes...
Joe at Scouts - LOVE the eyes

JOe and I at the Pinewood Derby

Eme at the Pinewood Derby. She's getting so old...

Jim & I at the Pinewood Derby

Joe's crappy car. Sorry, Joe. It was an "out of the box" kinda car. As in, take it out of the box, slap on some wheels, and a sticker, glue a few pennies on the end.....

Tom in his Football Game Jersey

Uh, yeah, a kid took that of me. hehehe

Here's my "Anti School Picture" day photo - hehehe
Joe - Kindergarten

Thomas - 4th Grade

James (um, yeah, not in school yet...)

Eme - 2nd Grade

I think Jake was still in bed when we were taking those...
Captain America and I right before the Ball

Eme with her 1st place medal after BTN Organizational Day

Jacob with his face painting


Captain America got a scratch on his nose playing football. Poor thing :)

If I'm bored, one of my favorite pasttimes is taking weird photos of myself..... OK, so you know I'm weird now....

Easter Baskets for the Kids. Easter Bunny comes on Saturday Morning at our house

Me on Easter afternoon, right before Dinner at our friends' house

SO, since I was having WAY too much fun, I involved the whole family :)
Joe and I

Jake & I

Tom didn't wanna play...

Captain America and I

Jim & I

Group shot!

Right before the egg hunt. I hid 160 plastic eggs in the backyard.

And back to the random weird faces again...

You, my friend, are weird! Hahaha Just curious,why are Tom and Jake bald on top? Oh and its nice to see pictures! You should post em more often :)
ok, I don't think that's what your mom had in mind! ha ha! :) crazy chick, i love it.
It's so good to see pictures of the kids! I can't believe that when you left Madison was 2 weeks old, and now she will be 6!!! I remember we had you over for dinner right before you left, and Eme wet herself and was going comando!! HAHAHAHAHHA! Good times!!
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