Then, we drove up to Wiler Tramway, where Captain America had a morning PT one day. It was seriously, like STRAIGHT up in the air. Well, not really, because we drove up it, but it was pretty steep. You'll have to take my word for it :) Here's the view from the top parking lot.

And here's the tram. Captain America said he wanted to take me on it for a date, and I was like "there's no way in heck you'll get me in that death trap". Not my idea of a romantic date. More like torture. Ha! A case for knowing your audience - hehehe.

Ok, fast forward to Wednesday. Here's pictures from the Blue and Gold banquet. You remember, the one that was at 6:30, but we thought it was at 7:00. Yeah, that one. Here's the entertainment. It was pretty cool, I must say. They had a group who did Indian dancing come and perform. Here's the singers.

Fast forward to Thursday afternoon. Captain America, Jimmy, and I went to El Taco Tote and the Boy Scout shop between his morning and afternoon check-in. It was pretty fun. I LOVE the guacamole salsa they have there. And I hate avacados. Go figure on that one :) It's perfect for dipping chips and cucumbers :) Here's Captain America and Jim. Jim was TOTALLY loaded up on sugar. we'd gone to the doctor in the morning, and he'd gotten a big tootsie roll from the nurse. Then, at Captain America's Battery officer, one of the SGT's gave him a GIANT chocolate cookie. Then, at the Scout office, he got MORE chocolate. He was literally bouncing off the walls. Poor kid :) Yep, here he is sucking down some orange soda. Luckily I realized what I'd done and re-filled it with some light lemonade. Much better. ha!

And, skip ahead to Friday. Here's me, after my attempted Well Woman's visit (who knew that if "Johnny" was visiting, you coudln't get a PAP)(rescheduled for Tuesday), Captain America, Jimmy, and I went to the commisary. We had to get some crackers and some more apples.

See, Mom, that's the commisary :)

Then, at 7pm, we loaded up in the truck and headed downtown to the El Paso Rhino's Hockey game. Woohoo!!! Did you know that military families get in FOR FREE!!! Talk about a deal! We just had to show current Military ID's. SWEET! We might be going more often. Here's the kids and Captain America standing in front of the Rhino statue in front of the stadium.

During one of the breaks, they had this fancy car drive out from a local car dealership. People were able to purchase pucks, and throw them out onto the ice, trying to make it into the sun room. If you made it in, you got $5000. Sound do-able, right? Long shot, but do-able.

Check out the hole they expected you to get it into. I don't think people knew it was like that! Dang!
And, the Zamboni, our personal favorite :) hehehe. We were sitting RIGHT next to where it was parked. We were on a set of bleachers behind the goal line. Good seats, but I swear those bleachers weren't hooked down, and I just KNEW that they were gonna tip over backwards. We were all sitting on the top, and it could feel it every time someone shifted weight. Captain America assured me we were save, and that it wasn't gonna tip over, but I worried about it the whole time - pathetic, I know. But, I'm happy to report that it did NOT tip over - ha!

We got them popcorn at one point, and they sat quietly for about 10 minutes. We should have thought of that LONG ago - hehehe.

As the night wore on, we started looking for other things to entertain the kids. Here's some FUN pics of us. Jimmy and me :)

This one was HILARIOUS! Tom wanted a silly picutre, so he tucked his head inside his vest. Well, it looks like Jacob has a shrunken head on Tom's boday. Ha!

And check this out. Several of my kids do this. Sleep with their eyes part way open. It's so NASTY! hehehe. He's dead asleep here, but his eyes just won't stay shut. I kept closing them, and they'd pop back open again - LMBO!!!

So, Mom, there's some pictures from my week. We've been having a TON of fun, and I even remembered my camera (see, Cheri, I do bring it SOMETIMES!)
We have a Walmart that is just grocery too, its just up the street, the grocerys cost more then at regular walmart, weird huh..and your church building looks a lot like ours...that is a great picture of shrunken head Jake, ha! What a fun week!
Thanks for the pictures sweetheart!!!!! Made me smile REAL big! Do it more often if you get a chance! Aunt Sue
And it was GREAT getting to talk to you yesterday! Love ya!
Wow What a week eh?? Love the pics, you know me, always ready for more!! Loved Joe's eyes. . and Tom and Jake's head thing! HA You guys look like you're doing ok without me...:( Thats ok tho. . .
Lots of great photos, no wonder you ran out of blogger space!!! I need some more info on your homeschool curriculum, I'm trying to find something for our son (like 3rd grade in a box), as I think I want to take the plunge with him next year. I'm not sure how we know each other: from a mutual Mormon friend, digital scrapbooking, random blog find??? Have a great next week!
What the heck, aren't you in Texas? What's up with those mountains in the background? Don't you just love the comissary? Love it! I am excited to live by a BIG one...one day. We visited Oahu's a few years ago. It's like a mall! Free military stuff is so great. There are quite a few websites that list discounts or freebies military fams can access. Just google it. Have fun!
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