I got up today at 7:30am, and made French Toast for the kids, and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. Maddie and I got mostly ready (minus the shower), and she and I and Lily and Eme went to Fallas Paredes to look at a rug to match the one that Maddie bought yesterday.
Here's me mostly ready - ha!

We headed home, and got ready for free lunch and pool. It was beans and rice and BBQ beef day.

Maddie and I had found this really cool Slip N Slide, 3 lane thingy on Craigslist, and texted and emailed the chickie about it. We were supposed to stop by her house after free lunch and before the pool and get it, but my phone's battery died about that time. So we just went to the pool.
And I have no pictures, because my phone's batter died... Anyway, we did have fun at the pool, but weren't there very long. We stayed for one pool break, and came home. Maddie had found Lily a swim floaty thingy at Goodwill yesterday, and I think Ella liked it more than Lily. Either way, one of the girls was having a TON of fun with it :)
We saw Hilary and Julie there at the pool, but didn't get to visit very long. We had to run. I was going with Karin to the Scout office to purchase some Scout supplies for the primary. So we had to hurry.
We got home in time for me to change my clothes, throw on some lip gloss, and out the door I went. We went to the Scout shop, and got Den books for all the leaders, a Den Leaders manual, and 3 copies of the new and improved Program Helps.
OK, for those of you in Cub Scouts, I HIGHLY recommend the new Program Helps! I looked through it when I got home, and they're AWESOME! It breaks down how to get your badge in 16 den meetings, plus shows you what to work on at home. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I'm really excited for the program to start up again.
Anyway, Karin and I got what we needed, and I agreed to help her get a calendar ready for all the new Scout people, and I'm gonna go meet with them on Wednesday night and help "get the ball rolling". So I need to write down some ideas between now and then...
We were only gone for about 40 minutes, then she dropped me back off at the house. I grabbed Ella, Jim, and Joe, and we headed over to the lady's house with the Slip N Slide. She seemed pretty nice, and we chatted for a few minutes, then I paid her, grabbed the Slip N Slide, and we headed back home.
Here we are in the backyard, playing on it. Well, here's Maddie watching us play on it...

So after playing on the Slip N Slide and getting ALL dirty and grassy, I came inside to take a shower. Hmm, when was dinner? I can't remember if dinner was before or after the Slip N Slide.... It must have been after. Anyway, I made pasta for the kids, and a stir fry of sorts with a limited number of pastas for me for dinner. It was tasty.
Anyway, here's me after my shower. With my skinny jeans and boots. What do you think? Can I pull off skinny jeans? I'm still not sure.... I did wear them in public, so I guess I don't think they look TOO bad - ha!

Last time I ran with Maddie, besides the fact that I almost died from previous lack of exercise, I was SWEATING my butt off, for lack of proper running clothes. So I wanted to remedy that situation - hehehe.
We always deal with the same chickie at New Balance, and she's SUPER nice. She gave us her employee discount (didn't know she was gonna do that!), so we ended up with 40% off our order. I was pretty happy. I got a new pair of running shoes, a top with built in sports bra, and shorts that look like a skirt. It's pretty cute. I'll take a pic one of these days. Plus, Captain America got new running shoes. And our total was only $82. We save $20 a month, then buy shoes. So the money was all saved and allotted before we bought it. I love it when a plan comes together, you know :)
Here's Maddie and I at The Jewelry Box. I wanted to get a snake ring for Jake as a "Thanks for babysitting today" present. Eme had picked one out when we went earlier, and he LOVED it. Maddie and I are posing in the first picture...

And pretending to look at stuff in the 2nd. Look how intently we're looking at either each other or the stuff. ROFL!

We met up with Maddie, and went to a few more stores in the 15 minutes the mall was open (REAL fast), then headed to Circle K for some DDP (Diet Dr Pepper). Then on to Walmart. We don't have a school supply list first, but I figured if I didn't go buy some basic supplies now, they'd all be gone. I got 20 glues, 40 glue sticks, 20 boxes of crayons, a compass, and 5 boxes of colored pencils. I still need paper and notebooks and such. But they didn't have the inexpensive stuff at this Walmart, or they were all out.
We walked around a bit more, getting odds and ends things that you always find at Walmart that you need. Darts for the dart board, wipes, razors, bandaids. You know, typical "I need this" stuff from Walmart.
We headed back to the food, and Maddie decided to stop for a Happy Meal. hehehe. I left her in line, and went to get some food for Jimmy for after his surgery. Go Gurts, some regular yogurt for him, popsicles, ice cream, push ups, Capri Suns. Yeah, the other kids are gonna hate him - ROFL! I did buy some Otter pops for the rest of the kids, so hopefully that helps.
We went back to McDonalds, and Maddie was still waiting for her food. We sat and waited with her, and then her food was finally done. She bought a cookie for both Captain America and I, so we sat and ate with her.

We drove home, unloaded, put the big kids to bed, and I cleaned up my bedroom. Here it is, 1:05am, and the house is quiet. No one else is awake. Hmmm, I wanna join the sleeping ones, I think. Yawns.
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