Wow! We found out on the 15th that we were moving on the 24th. Not a lot of time to get things ready. I've been in TOTAL hustle mode the last few days, and sure hope I recover soon - LOL!
Yesterday, we rented a Uhall, and filled it with all the "big" stuff, and took it off to storage. Which, of course, left all the piddly stuff in the house. With no place to store it. My house it TRASHED! Hate that. We went to Sacrament today, then came home, and are driving 1/2 way to North Carolina to drop off Captain America's car with his parents (they're coming the other half). Not a great Sabath activity, but we don't really have any other day to do it.
Tomorrow, we're getting the brakes checked, and the oil changed on the truck (always a good thing to do before one drives 2500 miles). We're gonna load the trailer with stuff to take to Oregon, and get a dumpster for all the trash.
Tuesday, we're cleaning the rental house, and last minute details. It seems, though, that the kids follow along behind me making messes (I noticed that Jimmy found a purple marker and colored on my bedroom walls last night - nice). Ahhhhhh!
Wednesday, we drive up to Columbus, and get a hotel. Thursday morning, Captain America has to be a MEPS at 6:00 am (0600 hours - ha!), and find out if he's flying or driving. Then, we either say bye to him there, or we go to the airport and hang out till his flight leaves (there's a USO at the airport). Then, my mom flies in at about 3:00 pm, and we're driving out from there!
Wow, what a busy time. I sure hope I survive this move - it's kicking my butt - LOL!