The on post Halloween party started at 10am, so we had until then to get everyone ready. Here's Tom in his Knight costume.

We got a text from Andrea saying that she was going to Katy and Adelas garage sale, and that we should join her. My mom and Dad and Jim and I walked down the street to the sale. My dad already has his costume on, so that was kinda silly - LOL! He had on a long black wig, a bandana, and an eye patch. Jack Sparrow - hehehe.
Katy and Adela did pretty good at their garage sale. I think they told me later that they made over $140. Not too shabby! I got a lamp and a picture album and my mom got a dress for my niece, Ella.

So at 10am we loaded up in the truck and headed off to Kelly Park. We got to take 3 pumpkins home (one got dropped, but maybe we'll make some pie out of it). A lot of the game type booths were "donation" places, so we avoided those. I know, I'm cheap. We tried to hit the free booths.
There were a few other Snow Whites at the event. This little girl was so cute. My mom wanted us to get our pictures taken together, but she FREAKED out. It was the funniest thing. You'd have thought I was a monster of something. hehehehe. See how she's trying her hardest to get away from me. TOO funny!

Here's Eme and Jim with Sparky the Fire Dog. We got a bunch of good free stuff from the fire departments. We got hats and color books and color crayons and a pot holder and several jar openers and some fire hydrant stress "balls" and color changing cups. And some candy.

We registered for the Costume Contest, got balloons (yeah, remind me NOT to do that next time!), and got our pictures taken. Only $1.50 for a group shot. Not too bad. We even squished everyone in. It'll come in in a few days.
The bike MP's (Military Police) were there on Segways. Someone in our group thought they looked like Mall Cops. TOO funny. We chatted with the chickie for a little bit, and learned that it was harder to drive them then they looked. You had to be careful not to tip over, and it could only go 11 mph. But hers could only go 9 mph. She didn't know why it wouldn't go 11 mph.

Jake and Joe and Tom were having fun having light saber and sword fights with each other. The neighbor kid, Noah, was there too, and he was a blue knight. The 4 of them had a lot of fun.

We ate lunch there at the park. There was a booth selling brawts for $2.00, another selling Pulled Pork & rice & potato salad for $3.50, and another selling hot dogs for $1.00 and hamburgers for $1.50. You can figure out what we bought - LOL! Hot dogs all around! Well, not quite true. I splurged for myself and got a hamburger. And let me tell you, it was SO tasty.
We were trying to kill time until noon. That's when the costume judging was. Really, if we weren't sticking around for that, we'd have left a while back.
Here's a few Snow Whites that I found. The one on the left just LOVED me and has snuggling right up. hehehe. She was pretty tickled that I had the same costume as her.

Finally noon came, and we all lined up for the parade of costumes in front of the judges. I had to go through the line twice, because somehow Joe didn't get through it. Sigh. Oh well. He was SO embarrassed that after he went through, he ran back to grandma, and practically started crying. Poor kid.
Here's a pic of all of us (well, the part that fit in my mom's camera) lined up. There were almost 100 entries in the costume contest. You can see me and Jim and Jake and Emeline and Tom.

4th place was 1 lb of fudge, 3rd place was 6 chocolate covered strawberries, 2nd place was an Ipod shuffle, and 1st place was a portable DVD player. Good prizes, eh? We didn't win, but it was good to have Jake in the top 20!
We headed home, and got all changed and cleaned up and ready for the baptism. Jake got most of the makeup off his face. He kinda looked a bit goth. LOL! We got to the church about 10 minutes before the baptism was supposed to begin. We got the room all set up, and the font was filling already. Pfew! I was a little worried :)
Here's a pic of Eme in front of the font, before the baptism.

Eme and her dad. See the finished dress that we "assembled". It was a Jessica McClintock bridal skirt, with another white, short dress attached to it. I know, it's ghetto. I don't care. It looked cute.

So the baptism started a bit late, but it turned out really good. Our whole family sang the opening song, my dad gave the opening prayer I gave a talk, Eme was baptized, my mom gave a talk, Eme was confirmed a memeber of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and received the Holy Ghost, the Primary president welcomed her to the ward, the bishopric member welcomed her to the ward, we sang a closing song, and Jacob said the closing prayer. It was a very nice program.
Here's a picture of me and the girls. Wasn't that nice of them to come and support Eme. See, that's real friendship!

After we ate all the cupcakes/cookies and cleaned everything up and headed outside, we took a few group shots. Here's the kids and the grandparents.

We learned that the chapel that we meet in was the 1st LDS chapel in the state of Texas. I didn't know that. How cool is that!

Captain America and I were supposed to meet with the Stake President at 5pm, but on the way home from the baptism (3:30pm), someone called and rescheduled for 8am before church. We were at Sonic getting Happy hour at the time. Mmmmm, Sonic! Our original plan was to go to dinner at 5:30pm, right after our meeting.
BUT, since we now had a free evening, we left the house at 4:30pm instead. It's a lot easier to go to dinner earlier than later with children.
We went to Chili's. Mmmm, I love Chili's.

Here's Jake and Eme - aren't they cute!

We got the queso and chips to share, I got the Quesidella Explosion Salad, and Captain America, Jim and I split the Molten Chocolate cake. OMGosh it was good! Jake, Tom, and Eme split that same dessert too. They were SO embarrassing. We passed it down to them, and the practically inhaled it. Seriously, I had to grab it away from them and split it into 3 chunks. They were leaned over it, going at it like vultures. I know, I know. My family is full of class :)
On the way home, we drove by Captain America's unit's motor pool to take pictures of the Army vehicles and such. These are Patriot missles. Isn't it a cool view!

This is an old Hawk system, still used by some nations, just not ours. It was at the Air Defense Museum, next to the commissary.