OK, I have pictures today!!! My mom will be doing the happy dance :) LOL!
Here's a pic of Tom at the Cub Scout pack meeting, last Wednesday night. They got these CUTE little neckerchief slides, in the shape of fly swatters. See, he's posing to strike - LOL! What a funny kid.

And here's the pool pics from Thursday. Here's Jimmy

And Joe - he's got a MASSIVE head, just like me - LOL!

Tom, being all seductive (not really, but doesn't that pic look like it - hehehe)

And Emeline. It's kind of a blurry pic, but it's the only close up I have of her.

Jimmy jumping in the baby pool

Tom cannon balling into the deep end

Swimmy Jimmy - hehehe

Joe in the big pool - way to go, Joe!

Jimmy and some kid playing - they had the MOST fun splashing each other - hehehe.

Joe tried to re-apply the sunscreen himself - ROFL! He didn't get burnt, AT ALL!

And the girls and I. Katy is on the left, I'm in the middle, and Laurie on the right. Why didn't anyone tell me that we were all wearing sunglasses. I'd have put mine on - LOL!